Site Area: 31,162.00 m2 / Bldg. Area: 15,581.00 m2/ GFA: 45,141.41 m2
Usage: Condominium
Location: Singapore
The place of Flamingo Valley is something like an actual or real garden park in the city. My starting point for the design approach is to be fully utilize the original condition of the site.
The site has a lot of the tropical plants and very high class residential units. However, most of important items are the original condition of the unique existing contoured levels in the site. We try to utilize it as much as possible. And each volume of the residential blocks is arranged accordingly with each contoured level. At some time we try to control the building height and minimize the impact of the building volumes and to compliment site conditions. This gentle and natural mixture of the buildings brings the urban garden space like real park, with lush greenery pace and water feature like pond. People and residents can enjoy the tranquil garden feeling of the city life.
It is sure that Flamingo Valley ensures the place for "The Urban Resort life".